Monday, July 24, 2017

week three change two ferrocarril

Good afternoon,

This week wa pretty normal. It started out with an intercambio That I went to do with the district leader in Lezica. We went to visit this older gentleman who is convinced that the government sent somebody to steal his personal computer becasue he is receiving the missionaries. It was fun. And we also got our investigators Sergio and Evelyn to commit to attend church and get married. And they used to be atheists. Other than that I am having a hard time remembering what happened this week. Thats all right.

1) Me and Elder Espìnola. Some fun facts avout Elder Espìnola. 1- He used to have long hair 2- He didn't learn to speak spanish until he came on the mission because before that he only spoke guaranì 3- He has a bullet lodged in his pelvis which is pretty cool.


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