Tuesday, May 23, 2017

week six change five

Dear family and freinds,
Well today I am writing on Tuesday which means that today is- bom bom da bom dadadadadadad BOM da DAAAAA!- Cambios! Well this is the news. After twelve escellent and exciting weeks in the beautiful city of Melo I am being transfered to a neighborhood called Ferrocarril on the outskirts of Montevideo. I am going to be companions with Elder Diaz from Ecuador. I am pretty excited about that because he is my friend from back in La Costa. It will be fun. Taking my place her in Colón will be Elder Roquemore. He is siz and a half feet tall, three and a half feet wide and very soft spoken.
But Other than that life is good. Elder Filigrana kept being sick in the beggining of the week, but I did an intercambio with elder Ward which was great to get out of the house and not have the responsibility of working in your own area. While on the intercambio we ran into a scorpion in the road. It was two and a half inches long and fat and black. I touched it with the Book of Mormon and it got mad at me.

 On Thursday we had a conference in Carrasco with Elder Packer of the quorom of the seventy and half of the mission. It was good. The theme whcih I took away from that was the need to do things which would increase the influence of the Holy SPirit in every moment of the day.

In the last part of the week we were able to leave a bit and visit some people and we experienced a milagrito. We were talking to Malaquías and his wife Ana sat down and started talking with us and listening to us! We had a good conversation about the plan of salvation and she shared her testimony about how God has blessed and supported her in her life. I getting a little choked up just thinking about it. At the end Malaquías closed the lesson with a prayer thanking God that she had decided to join us. cool stuff.
Other than that Malaquías hosted a goodbye porotada for me. It included pigs feet. I am really going to miss all of these cool people that I probably won't see again. But that is what the resurrection and temples are for.
See y'all around,
Elder Christensen

1) Malaquías, Ana, and nieta Romina

2) Javier

3) The Fernandez family and the zone leaders

4- A horse

5- The cat that lives in the cyber café that once bit me.

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