Monday, May 15, 2017

Week 5 or 4 or something of change 5

Dear Subscribers,
Well this week has been substantially bizare. I can't remember how to spell bizzare but I guess it isn't that Important. On Monday we went and taught our investigator Ramón. He is a 70 something old guacho with a bad back that looks likes he is in his 50's and is ridiculously muscular. His first bisnieto was born a coup´le of weeks ago and his family is really important to him. On tuesday we taught Malaquías. We were surprised to find that after all this time as really interested investigator he doesn't have a good understanding of the premortal existence or the resurecction, or really very much of God's plan for the eternal progression and development of our soul. We also had a ward council with just the bishop his first counselor, and Gustavo Ferández, the young mens leader. On Wednesday Elder Filigrana came down with a strange flu like ilness and he isn't getting better so we have been stuck in the house since then. SO far I have done a lot of cleaning, finished the book of genesis and got a ways through exodus, memorized the books of the old testament in spanish, and watched Ephraims rescue twice.
Wednesday was the one year aniversary of the day That Elder Filigrana's girlfreind back home dumped him, so we were going to celebrate with the traditional toddy's choclate chip cookies and milk. We searched diligently and found not even one bag of milk in the whole city ( or at least around our house) it turns out there was a strike at the local coleme milk packaging plant. I think it was the first time in my life that I have been seriously negativley affected by a workers union.
On thursday we had a zone conference and interviews with president Eddy. He has a master plan for how to maximize souls brought unto Christ that involves a lot of hard work and personal revelation. I have a theory that he shaves his head because being bald makes you more receptive to inspiration from the spirit, but I am not sure how to apply the scientific method to that.
On sunday an hermana in our ward gave us a box of asado to go for lunch. It included two long thick pieces of roasted cow intestine. I told Elder Filigrana that he could have it. He didn't want it because colombians don't eat things like that.
Also I got to skype my family for mother's day. I cried more this time than on christmas so that was pretty great. I am grateful to have what is in my opinion the best mother in the world. Thanks Mom.
Signing out,
Elder Christensen

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