Tuesday, February 21, 2017

week 17

My dearest friends and relatives,
Well this week has been really interesting in that because we really only have twoish investigators any more and for a number of other reasons we didn't get to do a ton of teaching, but that is alright because It has given me opportunities to work on other skills like not getting disanimated. Ha. But that reminds me of a comment someone made this week that Uruguay really isn't a South American mission, it's a European mission pegged on to South America. That is a pretty good point, but there are still obviously a lot of diferences between here and Europe.
This week I got sick for the first time! It was pretty fun. I woke up and started throwing up and couldn´t eat any thing all morning, but then we went to lunch with this Hermano and he gave me some sort of science potion that made it so I could keep stuff down, so after drinking one point two five liters of red gatorade I was able to leave and work in the afternoon. It rained on us but that was allright because there was this giant epic rainbow that was double for a while. I think that was probably my favorite part of that day. Then what happened is that Elder Caudle started throwing up in the middle of the night that night, and he ended up a lot worse then me, or maybe just a lot wimpier, so we were stuck in the house all day.
Elder Caudle bought a super man comic book as a souvenir for his uncle because he leaves in a few months, but the thing is that it was translated in Buenos Aires so the whole thing is written in Vos form. It is a beautiful thing.
Something that I have noticed is that if there is somebody who needs a job or more work and they start listening to the missionaries they are swiftly blessed with a good job or a ton of work so that it becomes difficult to schedule a teaching appointment. Not really sure how that happens but if you are a non member and you need a job you might want to consider that job hunting tactic.
Quote of the week: ¿Qué me decís Bert? - Clark Kent

1) me hanging out with Ronnie and Phil

2) The first time I ever solved a rubix cube by myself

3) the second time I ever solved a rubix cube by myself

Vamo Arriba La Costa Peñarol Uruguay !!!!!

Monday, February 13, 2017

Week 16

Happy February!

Well I don't really have a lot to say this week. I guess the first thing is that today I hit my five month mark! Exactly five months ago in september I was probably on a plane somewhere over the gulf of Mexico. That means that in another month I will be a quarter of the way done with the mission. Crazy stuff. Crazy crazy stuff. Also this week on wednesday is my mom's birthday. If you see her, wish her a happy birthday. The weather this week has been much cooler. You can actually go outside and it is nice and you don't feel like surviving untill the end of the day will be a miracle. I don't think that is an end of summer trend though, it will probably get really hot again soon. As far as missionary experiences, this week we were teaching this 79 year old español named Manuel, the plan of salvation, and he was telling us how he didn't want to take more of our time, and we said " just one more thing" and we bore our testimonies about how in God's perfect plan families can be together forever, and then it got really quiet, and the tone of the room changed, and he started showing us pictures of his wife who died in her fifties and thanking us for coming and taking the time to share things like that with people like him. Pretty cool stuff.
This week I tried Celestial Mate for the first time. More on that later. I also filled a Mate with cocoa husks and drank that. It was pretty amazing, but don't put sugar in or the yummy bitter cocoa will fight the sugar and it won't be very good unless you use milk to moderate the flavors. I want to throw out a peice of advice to anyone preparing to go on a mission. Spend as much time as you can developing your skills. I have observed that almost anything can be used in furthering the mission work in some way, art skills, music skills cooking skills, lo que sea. I feel like the only skill I brought to the mission is willingness to walk ten miles a day every day, but we aren't called to walk we are called to teach repentance and baptize converts, so it would be cool to have some other skills as well. Enjoy the end of winter and I will enjoy the end of summer. Bye.

1) Celestial mate- Step one: fill the mate with shredded coconut and cinamon. Step two: pour in sugary milk. Step three: achieve nirvana.

2) A couple of Mormons I took a picture of.

Monday, February 6, 2017

Week 15 or something

Eh, Che Vos, ¿cómo andás?
Well I hope. Wow it has been quite a week. I feel like we just did a ton of things but then when we tallied up our key indicators last night they were kind of low. Just have to do better next week. We had a three zone conference in carrasco this week about working with the members in the unit where you our serving it was pretty revolutionary and We learned a lot. Afterward we had interviews with President Eddy. This time I came prepared with questions written down. He is a super great guy who really cares about all of the missionaries, so he was able to answer my questions really well. Then we had divisions in the zone leaders area until Monday morning so that was like half of our week right there taken up. Me and Elder Caudle have been trying to get the ward animated to accelarate the Obra Misional. We are having a lot of Ideas, and I can see the boulder just starting to roll forward. The best part was this sunday in fast and testimony meeting  when a lot of people bore their testimony about sharing the Gospel. We had our recent convert Victor, who is probably the coolest 70 something Chileno that lives in Uruguay, Share his conversion experience, and it was super special because everything got really quiet, and I could feel the spirit and the sincerity that illuminated from him.
Even Though It hasn't been the easiest to be able to teach people this week we have been seeing some miracles. One day we weren't able to teach a lesson to anyone, and it was about eight fifteen at night and I saw this young guy siting in the grass on a street corner, so We were like well We might as well, so We asked if we could sit by him, and he was like sure. He was this 20 year old guy who had never talked to the missionaries before. If you are living in Uruguay and know how to talk you have talked to the missionaries before. That was the first miracle. Then we were able to share the restoration right there in the street, and he prayed right at the end! He was like thanks for sending these guys because it is really great to talk to them. He wants to me with us more to see if he can recieve a testimony from the Holy Spirit. Crazy stuff going on here. Tons of blessings.
Quote of the week from testimony meeting: ¿Sos Mormona? -The doctor of Hermana Risso

 1) All the Elders in my zone waiting while the Hermanas cook tacos

2) Cooking tacos

3) Actividad de zona