Monday, July 23, 2018


Well Changes came around. Below is a picture of my new companion Elder Samuel Grajeda. He is from Dallas. He always introduces himself to people as " Soy mexicano pero vivo in tejas" But I think that is a lie because he is more american than apple pie ( a dearly missed and well beloved american delicacy) he has 18 months in the mission field and likes to play trumpet and listen to religious discourses.
anyway We have had an interesting week. It got really cold again this week. We had to drop most of our investigators and are now looking for new ones, but we have this one girl named Elena who will probably get baptized in a couple of weeks. Also Elder Córdovas new comp is a short term missionary from Aeroparque in Montevideo named Carlos Zapata. I guess there were an odd number of missionaries in the mission so the assistants just called him up and said " HEy y'all want to me a missiary for six weeks?" And he was like " Ta, dale, I don't have a better way to spend my time". But it is great because I love hanging out with uruguayos.
Well keep it real.
Love Elder Christensen

 1) A funny picture Elder Lockhart sent Elder Helske before he died

2) Carlos

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