Monday, July 30, 2018

It only takes three minutes and forty seconds to read fist nefi 1

Hey everybody,
We did a lot of looking this week, and it resulted in a lot of finding. I won't go into to much detail about anyone because we are not really sure what is going to happen with them yet. Also we saw some people fill a horse cart with dirt, but it got stuck in a ditch and the horse could not get out, so we got behind and pushed and the horse got unstuck. Probably something that will never happen to me again.
Anyway preaching the gospel is great.
Elder Christensen

Monday, July 23, 2018


Well Changes came around. Below is a picture of my new companion Elder Samuel Grajeda. He is from Dallas. He always introduces himself to people as " Soy mexicano pero vivo in tejas" But I think that is a lie because he is more american than apple pie ( a dearly missed and well beloved american delicacy) he has 18 months in the mission field and likes to play trumpet and listen to religious discourses.
anyway We have had an interesting week. It got really cold again this week. We had to drop most of our investigators and are now looking for new ones, but we have this one girl named Elena who will probably get baptized in a couple of weeks. Also Elder Córdovas new comp is a short term missionary from Aeroparque in Montevideo named Carlos Zapata. I guess there were an odd number of missionaries in the mission so the assistants just called him up and said " HEy y'all want to me a missiary for six weeks?" And he was like " Ta, dale, I don't have a better way to spend my time". But it is great because I love hanging out with uruguayos.
Well keep it real.
Love Elder Christensen

 1) A funny picture Elder Lockhart sent Elder Helske before he died

2) Carlos

Wednesday, July 18, 2018


Well Changes rolled around again. Elder Hilton went on sunday to whitewash Las Piedras and Elder Helskes comp went to be mission Secretary( second time that has happend to him). So I am just cruising around Durazno with Elder Mark Klint Helske teaching faith and repentance. It is a ton of fun. My New and final companion will get here tommorrow. His Name is Elder Grajeda, and I think he is from Texas.
Well make sure to keep the commandments.
Love Elder Christensen

 1) Hopping on a train

2)Nalder and Helske

3) Elder Córdova made seviche

Monday, July 9, 2018


Hi everbody.
We here are all super sad about Uruguay staying outside of the world cup. Its because Cavani didn't play.
But that isn't the important part the important part is preaching the gospel. We have had an amazing week this week. President Eddy came throught town and gave an inspiring conference and ever since then things have been flying. We are finding a ton of investigators from good references and things and have been teaching a lot of lessons. Some of our main investigators are Antonella, the pareja of a less active member, María also the pareja of a less active member, Elida and silvina, the freinds of a recent convert, Florencia, the neice of a recent convert, Gabriela who's husband was a member of the church but recently passed away, and the other maría, also recently widowed, who is the freind of a recent convert and his recently reactivated mom. So what is the moral of this story? If you are a member of the church have references and go with the missionaries to teach them. It works.
I am not going to send any pictures today because we have been spending the day in paso de los toros, and the cíber is really slow. But It is the coolest city I have been in yet.
Love Elder Christensen

Monday, July 2, 2018


Hi Everbody,
Well we had a crazy week. First of all Tabárez got baptized this week, he got his act together stopped drinking and smoking and on monday night told us that he was ready so we spent all week getting him prepared. He is really happy. He decided to join the church because he has seen huge changes in the lives of some of his closest freinds ever since the got baptized a few weeks ago and even though he struggles to read because his vision is bad he has gained a great testimony that the Book of Mormon is true. He is fifty and works as a city garbage collector and likes to make silly jokes.
We did a lot of traveling this week. We visited three diferent cities in our zone in three days and it has killed our proselyting time. On friday we were in a town called Sarandí del Yi for a thing. We were there when URUGUAY BEAT PORTUGAL  2- 0! It was probably the most commotion that place has seen in years. We were walking down one of the main streets when they won and I am pretty sure that everybody who owns a car in that place made a caravan and were honking their horns and waiving their flags behind them. Now we just have to beat Francia this friday at 11.
So yeah, Love you guys! Have a great week.
Elder Christensen

1) Brother Heber Daniel Tabárez with his freinds Cecilia, Claudia, and Milagros the day of his baptism.

2) A chill perro

3) Sarandí del Yi