Monday, May 14, 2018

Hi everbody

Hi everybody,
We had a pretty good week this week. I got to explore some more of Rocha which was fun. We actually got bikes this week. They are pretty nice bikes. My legs and back are pretty sore now, so hopefully I will get back in shape. We also took Irma and José to the juzgado to register to get married. It went great and they have to go back on friday the 25th at 1:15 for the marriage. Then hopefully they get baptized a week later. We were also having a hard time finding any new investigators my first couple of weeks here, but then this week we found a whole bunch so that was great. We also got to bike out to this little neighborhood about six miles away called Riviera which is sitiuated at where the arroyo de rocha opens up into la laguna de rocha. Brasileños and argentinos like to come here to spend tranquil vacations on a nice freshwater beach, but there was nobody there because it isn't summer anymore so it turned out to not acutally be an effective use of time.
And yeah. The gospel is true, keeping the commandments is a great way to be happier, and Jesus Christ is our savior.

Elder Christensen

 1) Me and Artigas

 2) Me at the Lagoon

3) A not very flattering picture of me in a bike helmet

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