Saturday, April 7, 2018

Its me again

Hey everybody!
Well I am writing again and sooner than normal but that is okay. We had a good week. We especially had a cool experience yesterday. We had to stay late in the offices yesterday because we had to finish processing all of the baptismal registries from march, and we were waiting on some missing information. So finally we get out and it starts raining on us which is great because I love rain, and we decided to stop by an investigator that we haven´t seen in a while named Alvaro Sebastián, and he came out to start talking to us, but then his mom told us all to come in because it was raining, ( Mom's are the best). At that point we started talking to him and his cousin Claudia. Now Claudia has a son who is  heavily involved in drugs, and it causes a lot of turbulence and anxiety in her life, and we were able to teach them about the naturaleza de Dios, and the importance of Christ's atonement, and the spirit was felt very strongly, and when we finished she started thanking and congratulating us because she had never felt so much peace from talking to somebody. We were able to explain that those feelings come from the Holy spirit, and then they committed themselves to come to church tomorrow and be baptized. But Claudia is really golden, so pray for them please.
But yeah missionary work is great, I love Jesus Christ, Keep the commandments.
Un gran beso,
Elder Christensen

It is now chilly and april so the beaches are no longer full of sin and temptation and we are permitted to go. Yay!

1) Me eating a chicken curry pinaple empanada at la playa de Malvín with elder Bórquez and Elder Araújo. I love the beach when it is windy and rainy and the water is gray.

2) Elder Holland eating an empanada at the beach

3) Libros de Mormones

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