Saturday, March 10, 2018

Week Before Changes

Hey Everybody,
Well it is the week before changes so we have been pretty crazy trying to get everything ready. We are sending 7 people home who are finishing their missions 3 who are going for health reasons and reacieving 10 new missionaries, 4 gringos from the mexico mtc one spaniard from the Argentina mtc, five brasileños from the brasil mtc and one guy from mexico who is returning for the mission. So I have been trying to brush up on my portuguese. Which is really more like gaining my portuguese because I don't really have anything to brush up on. Speaking of which there is this girl from the brazilian city of uruguaiana which is close to the border with argentina, and she wrote me to ask a question and you can tell she has been practicing her spanish and reading her scriptures, because she said " He aquí, tenía una duda" which is basically like saying " behold, I had a doubt." but anyway we all had a good doudt out of it. So keep praying for our investigators.
love you,
Un besito
Elder Christensen

você é uma uva

1) A good rendition of Mr. Burns

2) We drove by la plaza de independencia so I got a better shot of Artigas

3) Some unsuspecting gente

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