Saturday, March 24, 2018


Hey Everbody,
Well We made through changes alive and now I only have five more weeks to be in the offices so wish me luck. Elder Newman moved on and we have a new financer, Elder Noel, Tanner Klaus Noel. He is great. He plays the Viola. It makes me wish I had a trombone with me but that would be harder to lug around and I am sure that the neighbors wouldn't be very happy with me.
So we had a really cool experience today. This kid named Letiel just got baptized a little bit ago. Elder Newman and Elder Araújo found him a few weeks ago playing american football which he loves, and he said he didn't really beleive in God or anything, but then he showed up to church that week in the rain and loved it and has developed a really strong testimony ever since. He is a really special person and is going to make a great missionary in a few years.
Other than that the nights are becoming quite chilly and the leaves are falling and we are descending rapidly into a cold dreary humid winter but that is okay because I actually love gloomy weather, it makes me feel adventurous.
So love you guys.
Un gran beso.
Elder Christensen

1: This is Elder Lemos from Brasilia. I don't actually know him that well but he is super cool so I took a picture.

2: I got hungry one morning so I made sort of a crepe type thing.

3: This is Elder Noel, Elder Araújo, Letiel, and Elder Newman back for the baptism.

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Week Before Changes

Hey Everybody,
Well it is the week before changes so we have been pretty crazy trying to get everything ready. We are sending 7 people home who are finishing their missions 3 who are going for health reasons and reacieving 10 new missionaries, 4 gringos from the mexico mtc one spaniard from the Argentina mtc, five brasileños from the brasil mtc and one guy from mexico who is returning for the mission. So I have been trying to brush up on my portuguese. Which is really more like gaining my portuguese because I don't really have anything to brush up on. Speaking of which there is this girl from the brazilian city of uruguaiana which is close to the border with argentina, and she wrote me to ask a question and you can tell she has been practicing her spanish and reading her scriptures, because she said " He aquí, tenía una duda" which is basically like saying " behold, I had a doubt." but anyway we all had a good doudt out of it. So keep praying for our investigators.
love you,
Un besito
Elder Christensen

você é uma uva

1) A good rendition of Mr. Burns

2) We drove by la plaza de independencia so I got a better shot of Artigas

3) Some unsuspecting gente

Wednesday, March 7, 2018


Hey everybody!
Wow it has been exceptionally hot the last couple of days. I am ready for fall to get here. Except that the days will get shorter. But that is okay because you just have to have faith that you can do effective proselyting even in the dark! Because there are souls to save! And the angels are preparing the path before you, and holding you up on all sides! And the work of God cannot fail! So you will have success, just because you had faith!
How is that for an inspirational email entry! I am working on being more inspirational.
I don't remember if I told y'all about Roberto last week, but whether or not I did here is an update. Roberto father of recent convert Ruben ( By the way everywhere else in the world that would be pronounced Rubén, but here it is Ruben, don't ask me why) Is a really great guy. And the second to last time we had a lesson with him we taught him how to pray, and he just went for it and said a wonderful prayer out loud for the first time in his life. And then the last time we had a lesson with him he told us that he had prayed on his own for the first time in his life and had felt chills all over his body when he did it. And he accepted to be baptized on March thirty first. So please pray for him because I really think he will make it and not to many people do.
Love you,
Un besito
Elder Christensen

1) So we got done with a cédula appointment and we went looking for a taxi because we didn't have a van and we wound up en la plaza de independencia. Turns out it was right around the corner from the cédula building this whole time. I didn't get a very good picture of Artigas on his mighty steed because I didn't want to look like a tourist, but I will another time. Artigas is great.

2) I got hungry one night and still had more than half of a calabacín so I made it into puré, which was very uruguayo and very delicious.

3) Service Project! Featuring Gaby López.