Saturday, January 27, 2018

Hey everbody,
I will just do a quick follow up on last week. So do you remember Eduardo from last week, and how he was afraid of his wife meeting us? Well we met her this week and taught a really great lesson in which she accepted a baptismal date. Her name is Yanet and It turns out she is in a very spiritually sensitive time in her life and is trying to strengthen her relationship with God. So I guess it just shows that you can't judge somebody's receptivity to the gospel without asking them.
And yeah have a great week because I sure will and it wouldn't be fair for you not to.
Elder Christensen

This is a picture of a dead baby opossum outside of the chapel in carrasco. The spanish word for opossum is zarigüeya, but here in Uruguay they are know as comadreja, which is the spanish word for weasel. Uruguay is silly like that. 

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