Monday, April 17, 2017

Hey everybody,
I hope Its been a good week. I write tuesday because all of a sudden six weeks have passed and we are in changes again. What is happening is that Elder Cortez is going to maroñas in Montevideo. My new companion is going to be Elder Filigrana. I think he is from colombia and has quite a bit of time on the mission but I can't be sure. As far as what happened this week, It rained a bit. We taught some people. We are kind of worried about Malaquías because he seems to be having some challenges and is not as willing to progress spiritually as he was. We did find eight new investigators in the last two days which was pretty cool. Also our investigator Alexander agreed to be baptized in a month. It was pretty cool because what he said was that we are brining him the word of God and you just have to do what is says. So I am pretty evcited for him. It is easter time and I just want to say that I am glad to have a testimony of Christ as our savior and master.
I am not really having a lot of creative writing ideas today so thanks for listening,
Elder Christensen


Zone Leader and Former Asistant to the president Elder Harold Helaman Palomino Romero helping a guy cook asado

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