Monday, January 2, 2017

Week 10

¡Feliz año nuevo!

Hey everbody, so I guess my first black year has started, which is to say one complete year of missionary service. New years was pretty great. We spent the evening with one of our investigators, and then later in the night the zone leaders came over to hang out at our house.We all got onto the roof again and ended up sleeping there, but Elder Valqui had a hard time pulling himself up and he ended up kicking in and breaking the entire window and window seal of the unused portion of house attached to ours. It was okay though. Everyone was telling us that the fireworks would be bigger on new years eve but they actually ended up being less. I have also finally learned my lessen that the yerba should never ever be consumed after breakfast time. I think I only got two hours of sleep that night.

We got asked to give talks in church this past sunday. Elder Lockhart's was about setting goals in regards to preaching the Gospel, and mine was about the urgency of the work. It was super short and really bad, but we had low attendance from the festivities so that is all right.

Well I am pretty excited to see what has happend in a year from now, so I guess I will see you then.

Best of regards,
Élder Christensen

Christmas Eve dinner with Victor and Luisa

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