Tuesday, December 13, 2016

week seven

Queridos Hermanos y Hermanas,

It was another week of hard work. We were actually hindered a bit because we ended up having to go to Montivideo three times for Elder Lockhart but he should be fixed and we still got good stuff done. One cool thing that happened this week was that we were walking down the street we live on and we saw a couple of guys in their driveway trying to move this giant cabinet, armoir thing. We asked if they needed heop and they said yes! I was super excited because people never let us help them with stuff off the street, so we ran over there and put our sculpted musculature to work moving what was definitely the most humongous piece of furniture I have ever move. Then we shared a message with them and they agreeed to let us come back and they were super cool. I would like to thank my dad for training me my whole life for this moment by making me move all that furniture with him. If you see him give him a pat on the back and tell him good hob for effective fathering. I would also like to thank my Grandpa Christensen for advising me to serve in any capacity I can. Definitely some of the best advice I've ever been given.
In further news ¡I got bit by a dog for the first time this week! It was a big angry german shepard that jumped up and nicked my elbow as I was leaning over a gat. It only broke the skin a little bit and didn't break my shirt fabric, which is pretty cool because now I can say that happend to me on my mission and also probably won't get an infection, so don't worry mom. Any way the guy we were contacting was super interested in our Christmas campaign so ¡ vale la pena!
A thought: a few weeks ago my cousin Carrie, who is serving como misionera en Málaga Spain, said that in spain they don't feed you until you are full just untill you have had enough. Well in Uruguay they feed you untill you are full and then they kepp feeding you and feeding you, and then they give you a bunch of coke, which is a beverage I used to hate but the mission changes you. It works for the Uruguayos though because Breakfast and dinner aren't really a thing here, just lunch and snacks.
A chiste: So there was an ice sculpting contest, and the theme of this contest was to see who could create the best and most detailed replica of any South American country. A pair of sculptors were working together and one of them was appropriately bundled up, but the other was only wearing shorts and sandals, nothing else. The first sculptor thought this was a little strange so he said to his partener "aren't you cold" the second sculptor thought about it and said "well, I guess it is a little Chile".
Also my brother Seth's Birthday will probably be this week, most likely on wednesday the 14th, which is the day it usually comes on, so if you see him that day, and it actually ends up being his birth day, wish him happiness.
I did some mathematicals and figured out that in the last six weeks if we walked a conservative 2 miles a day we would have walked something like 84 miles total, but we probably did way more than that so it could be like 200 which is cool to think about.
Also another elder was handing me off my camera and it kind of dropped and got a little messed up, so most of my pictures might be kind of psychedelic untill I figure out what to do about that.

1: Me, Élder Diaz, and the viejito

2: you know physics is broken when this happens to your face

3: A bird that turned out not too bad

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