Friday, September 23, 2016

First Email Home!

Friends and Folks,

Hey every body so two weeks in I finally got to my first p-day!!! It has been an amaizing exerience. I got to the airport in Atlanta and the first Elder I met was Elder Hobbs who is going to my mission. There were nine of us on the plane to Mexico City, which is really spectacular from the air. It seems to stretch on forever with mountains jutting out of it all over the place. Amazingly customs let me through without a hitch except that one of the people at a checkpoint was confused at why I had declared my bag of jerky.

We got into the airport and shortly many hundereds of Elders and Hermanas began to arrive from Mormonland ( also known as Utah) and we all crowded onto buses to the CCM. Mexico city is just as cool from the ground as the air. When we got the the CCM the people gave me a tetanus shot ( great first impression) and then they fed us costco pizza and I got my comapnion Elder Cole, from somwhere in rural Washington. He is great because he is super excited about the gospel, and he can come up with a lesson plan in no time flat. It's like I open my notebook and I look up and he is already done with scripture references and everything.

My district is also really great. There are only seven of us but we are all really dedicated and already great friends. Our p-day is on friday but since we didn't get to use it our first week. I had one less pair of everything that I needed to make the time so I had to figure out how to stretch my resources. We have already finished teaching our first investigator, Francisco ( really Hermano Suaste) It was quite the learning experience trying to figure out how to talk about the gospel in spanish while working with someone else at the same time, but I already feel like I have learned and grown so much.

The best part of the week is the Sabath. Its like you work your heart out all week and then you get rewarded by an entire day of intense spirituality. My branch presidency is also really great and consists of Presidente Suaste (my teachers uncle) and Presidente Eggleston who works at some sort of embassy thing.

A few notes about Mexico: The birds here are all diferent than back home. There are a bunch of noisy green parrots that live in the date palms, and these cute little super social doves that give each other hugs with their wings( which is on the top of my list of most adorable things ever). The air is really thin here at seven thousand feet so it's hard to work out for very long without feeling like your lungs are going to disolve. They really like fruit flavored yogurt drinks here, and in fact all manner of fruit flavored things. The weather is perfect except that sometimes heavy rain comes out of nowhere, like right now.

A couple of other notes: Recently in my zone there was an Elder named Elder Meldrum, who is the son of Jeff Meldrum, the nations leading Bigfoot researcher. Unfortunately he left a couple of weeks ago. It was almost the most important coincidental meeting in the history of the world. Also my mom made a blog if everyone would rather just look at that.

Me and Elder Cole

The Temple

Some giant moths

A bad picture of a bunch of houses on a mountain

Elder Holdaway and Elder Hale eating skittles

And a super farmacia where super heroes get their meds

My district from left to right Elder Cole, me, District Leader Fa'amausili, Elder Holdaway, Elder Hale, Hermana Lethbridge, and Hermana Briggs.

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