Monday, August 20, 2018

The Last E-mail

Hey Everybody!
Well This is going to be my last week in the mission field. I have today tomorrow and wednesday to proselyte, so I have to take full advantage, and then on thursday I go to Montevideo to go through the temple in castellano one more time and have a conmoving noche de hogar with President and Hermana Eddy. Wow writing that suddenly made me feel incredibly Meloncholy. It is definitley going to be a tear fest in the airport on friday night.
I have to say that I really love missionary work, Because I have really come to love so many things as a missionary. I love my Savior Jesus Christ and feel like I have come to develop a personal relationship with and am grateful for everything he has done for me. I love the doctrine of the gospel and its beauty and perfection, and I love new convets becuasue they are such special people. I love President Mark Eddy and his family because he is one of my biggest male role models after My dad My grandpas and prophet Nelson. I love Uruguay and Its wonderful people. I feel so sad because I feel like a part of my heart is going to have to break off and stay here with them, but I guess that is okay because they have made it a lot bigger and a lot fuller. I love all of my mission companions and comrades and feel like I have made life long friends even though they live all over the americas and europe. And I have come to love the Holy scriptures especially The Book of Mormon and the New Testament.
Well I would like to thank everyone for giving me so much support and for suffering through my Emails. You guys are great. Well on Saturday at 11:24 a.m. I will finally step foot on the greatest of all of the earths regional political units and hug my family. They are the best. I gave the best sacrament meeting talk of my life yesterday so this sunday I will have to try to top it. Love you guys.

P.s. Funny story so I really havn't collected many souveneirs but I have always wanted a Peñarol flag and have never been able to find one. So as I was rounding the corner to come and write I saw a store that was selling a Peñarol flag. I was expecting it to be at leat three or four hundred pesitos but it only cost two hundred mangos. So now I can represent the biggest athletic club on earth.

1) Me in front of La Cucha. This is really funny if you ever served a mission in Uruguay

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