Monday, July 9, 2018


Hi everbody.
We here are all super sad about Uruguay staying outside of the world cup. Its because Cavani didn't play.
But that isn't the important part the important part is preaching the gospel. We have had an amazing week this week. President Eddy came throught town and gave an inspiring conference and ever since then things have been flying. We are finding a ton of investigators from good references and things and have been teaching a lot of lessons. Some of our main investigators are Antonella, the pareja of a less active member, María also the pareja of a less active member, Elida and silvina, the freinds of a recent convert, Florencia, the neice of a recent convert, Gabriela who's husband was a member of the church but recently passed away, and the other maría, also recently widowed, who is the freind of a recent convert and his recently reactivated mom. So what is the moral of this story? If you are a member of the church have references and go with the missionaries to teach them. It works.
I am not going to send any pictures today because we have been spending the day in paso de los toros, and the cíber is really slow. But It is the coolest city I have been in yet.
Love Elder Christensen

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