Saturday, February 3, 2018


Well we had changes this week. That means that it was super stressfull and also that I ate way too much but I only gained 0.8 kilos so all is well. But any way Elder Manzanares left and went to Melo which makes him happy because he has been in Montevideo all 18 months of his mission. Any way I got a new companion. His name is Elder Leonardo Bórquez from Arica, Chile. He is super tranquilo and we get along very well. One day we were in companionship study and I wanted to say that I had studied Tercer Nefi Once earlier in the morning, but my spanish has been struggling lately, so instead I said Tercer Nefe Onci, and we couldn't stop laughing for like ten minutes and then we had to leave to go prolselyte. Anyway we drove out to get him in Pirápolis on sunday. It was nice to get out of  Montevideo for a little bit because the countryside is super beauttiful, especially piriápolis.
We weren't able to go teach people the Gospel very much this week, but we did go out yesterday and we had a really great day. There were so many people to talk to that it took us an hour to walk like 500 meters, there were lots of prepared people and we found two knew investigators which is a great start to a new change. We also had a really good lesson with Francisco yesterday, where we just taught him about repentance and baptism and how he can be clean from sin by doing those two things, and at the end he accepted to be baptised on march 3rd wich was amazing because he had been hesitant before, so pray for him because he really needs it. 

1) A failed picture of Elder Bórquez and I

2) The Eddy kids at the McDonalds in the airport after we sent the last missionary home

3) A bunch of Carpinchos in a picture from a zoo in Pirápolis that Elder Bórquez took

4) Pday photo

5) American party to celebrate the Pavales' visas

6) Our district

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