Monday, June 5, 2017

Dearest friends and family,
Well I am continuing to have a good experience here in Montevideo. We are slowly but surely building up our pool of investigators. The hardest thing is two have a second appointment with somebody that doesn't fall through. As far as some of the people we are working with last saturday we ran into a ward member in the street. She told us about a family of old investigators that was super great. So we tracked down their registro de enseƱanza and went and taught them. They are the familia Peireira and they are super great. The two parents and three of their children are currently listening to us. We also found this guy named Asiul from salto who is sad because he is all alone but is a great person, and this guy named Diego who when we taught him the restoration asked about how he could recognize the answers two his prayer throgh the EspƬritu Santo which is what we want. He remembered that years ago somebody had given him a copy of the book of Mormon with a note written inside, so I think he might actually  read and pray about it. Pablo keeps working to change his life and overcome drugs and tobacco.

It keeps getting colder and darker hear. I can now feel confident that if I shower and use my towel if I don't hang it up outside it will still  be wet the next morning. 

Jesus loves you, the gospel is true, life is good,
Con amor,
Elder Christensen

The only way to survive the cold is to consume unreasonable quantities of stimulant weeds with boiling water

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