Saturday, February 24, 2018

Good afternoon

Hey everybody!
Well I just had a fantastic week! How was your week? So this week we started teaching a man named Roberto. When Elder Manzanares was here with Elder Poulson they baptized this fourteen year old kid named Ruben. Good guy Ruben. I asked about his family and E. Man. always said his parents were kind of mean. But anyway we were thinking the other day that they can't be that bad. So we went over and found Robert, Rubens dad, and it turns out he is actually a really nice guy. And also really prepared. His son, and also his sister and nephews in Artigas are already members and when we taught him about the restoration he would say the things that we were going to say before we said them, and decided that he wants to come to church with us and investigate. So it will be great. And we are also teaching this cool kid named Alexis. We went over to his house for a return appointment with his mother and sister but we found him instead. He invited us in right away and told us that he had started reading the Libro de Mormón that we left and had felt very strong emotions about it when he did, and wanted to know more. And then we invited him to say the closing prayer and he did and prayed that God would forgive him of his sins and then he got all choked up from emotion when he was saying it, which was a really cool thing to see happen. And we saw lots of other miracles this week as well.
So my parents were dropping a lot of cane on me for not telling my robbery story last week and leaving everybody worried, so in my defense I didn't have a lot of time left and was feeling too lazy to write very much, but here it is. It happened two Sundays ago, and it is actually my fault for not realizing that having your companion in a boot makes you a target. We were going into one of the cantes in our area to go look for some people and we went down an empty dirt road to get there. So there was this guy standing on the side of the road and I didn't even notice him, but then when we got close he reached down and picked up one of those green technology things that are inside of computers and pointed it at us like it was a gun and shouted ¡ Dá me lo que tenés que te parto la cabeza! And I was really confused because I was thinking " Is this guy really trying to rob us with a mother board?" So he came up and started demanding our stuff and he was short and skinny and clearly a drug addict that doesn't get enough to eat. So I told him no and and that we were leaving, and he said fine and that he didn't want to se us around here any way. So we started walking away and then thirty seconds later we heard him running up behind us, but this time he had a long metal band folded up in his hand. So he started demanding our stuff and started smacking me in the legs with the piece of metal and swinging it at my head. So Elder Bórquez was terrified because he is small and timid, and I wanted to squish the guy, but then I realized that it isn't very nice to squish people, especially mentally unstable people who are smaller than you, especially when they might have larger equally unstable freinds near by who might posiblly have firearms or knives or broken bottles, and then the words of the mission manual came to my mind that say that if you are robbed not to resist. So I handed over our sell fon because it was all we had and he went away. So that was fun. Except that my companion is really traumatized.
Also I made a really good soup this week because I was craving vegetables. I made it with calabacín y remolacha, y tallos y hojas de remolacha y costillas vacunas y sal y oréngano y pimienta negra. And it turned out really good. I feel like dad would have been proud if he could have tasted it.
So see you next week.
Un besito,
Elder Christensen

1) This is a guy sleeping in the back of a semi

2) This is paso de los toros, one of  the most delicious sodas in all the world. Sorry that the offices are so messy, we know have all of the stuff from the houses of two senior missionary couples here and no idea where to put it because there are no new ones on the horizon.

Sunday, February 18, 2018


Hey everybody.
Well I would say it was a good week this week.We taught a lot of people about the gospel, Elder Bórquez has one buff leg and one skinny leg from walking around in a boot all day, and stuff like that. So it was fun. Well keep up the good work everybody your doing great. Oh also we got robbed this week. It was fun story. I'll tell you about it some time.

1)Sister Eddy brought us valentines day cookies.

2) A good view of the river. I think my camera lens is kind of dirty.

Saturday, February 10, 2018


Hey everybody,
So I just have three short points to make

1 So nothing really happened this week because the foot of Elder Bórquez randomly broke last saturday and he has been in crutches and a boot.

2 It is my moms birthday this thursday so make sure to wish her a very happy birthday

3 Do you all remember Malaquías from back in Melo? Well he finally got baptized last week! Elder Tenazoa my old companion was teaching him at the time. I am super happy

1) The emergency room in el hospital británico

2) A cracked metatarsal

3) Mate Amigo, every-bodies favorite hot water dispenser

Saturday, February 3, 2018


Well we had changes this week. That means that it was super stressfull and also that I ate way too much but I only gained 0.8 kilos so all is well. But any way Elder Manzanares left and went to Melo which makes him happy because he has been in Montevideo all 18 months of his mission. Any way I got a new companion. His name is Elder Leonardo Bórquez from Arica, Chile. He is super tranquilo and we get along very well. One day we were in companionship study and I wanted to say that I had studied Tercer Nefi Once earlier in the morning, but my spanish has been struggling lately, so instead I said Tercer Nefe Onci, and we couldn't stop laughing for like ten minutes and then we had to leave to go prolselyte. Anyway we drove out to get him in Pirápolis on sunday. It was nice to get out of  Montevideo for a little bit because the countryside is super beauttiful, especially piriápolis.
We weren't able to go teach people the Gospel very much this week, but we did go out yesterday and we had a really great day. There were so many people to talk to that it took us an hour to walk like 500 meters, there were lots of prepared people and we found two knew investigators which is a great start to a new change. We also had a really good lesson with Francisco yesterday, where we just taught him about repentance and baptism and how he can be clean from sin by doing those two things, and at the end he accepted to be baptised on march 3rd wich was amazing because he had been hesitant before, so pray for him because he really needs it. 

1) A failed picture of Elder Bórquez and I

2) The Eddy kids at the McDonalds in the airport after we sent the last missionary home

3) A bunch of Carpinchos in a picture from a zoo in Pirápolis that Elder Bórquez took

4) Pday photo

5) American party to celebrate the Pavales' visas

6) Our district